A blister???!

Question: A blister!?!?!?
I have a blister on the left side of my right index finger!. It's not from a burn!.!.!.it's from working!. I had to pick strawberries and I have a blister now!. It doesn't hurt {that much} unless I accidentally bump it or touch it!. How can I make it go away!. And about how long will it take!? And any other suggestions!? Thanks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I dunno for sure, but I advise putting aloe vera on it!. It soothes, and it's what you are supposed to put on burns so they don't hurt as much!. I assume it would work the same way!.

If you don't have an aloe vera plant, there's all kinds of gels that are sold!. I strongly advise you to invest in some; you'll need it sooner or later!.

I sugest you try it; it's all-natural, and it can't hurt!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if u have wart remover u can use that
or go to a local like drug store
and get the bandades made for blisters, they have some special medicine on the bandade and they are circular
if u dont want to do that
but dutch tape or a bandade over it
until it goes away cause it doesnt let oxygen go through
it helps!!
i hope it helps u!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

whatever you do, try not to burst it!. It will stand a much greater chance of getting infected if you break the skin prematurelyWww@Answer-Health@Com

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