Tonsil? =]]!!?!

Question: Tonsil!? =]]!!!?
What are tonsils!? I hear people saying "oh, I'm getting my tonsils removed" What are they and why do they need to be removed!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

As the previous posters stated, tonsils are infection-fighting lymph tissue located on either side of the back of the mouth!.

Unfortunately, tonsils can be infected and grow rather large!. Even with repeated antibiotic treatment, the tonsils may reach a point where they need to be removed!. For example, if you have had many cases of strep throat, doctors will probably recommend that they be extracted!.

The removal process is very common and is called a tonsillectomy!. You will be sedated and the ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist will remove the tonsils using a variety of techniques which range from simply "cutting" them out, using a laser or even radiofrequency ablation!. Each technique has its pros and cons which you should discuss with the doctor!.

Once the tonsils are removed, typically there is minor bleeding for a few days, however it should subside otherwise your doctor should be contacted immediately!. Pain is pretty subjective, some folks have a higher threshold than others, however the doctor should provide the appropriate level of analgesic to make you comfortable!. In general, however, the older you are the longer the discomfort will last from the procedure!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The tonsils are areas of lymphoid tissue on either side of the throat!. An infection of the tonsils is called tonsillitis!. Most commonly, the term "tonsils" refers to the palatine tonsils that can be seen in the back of the throat!.

Like other organs of the lymphatic system, the tonsils act as part of the immune system to help protect against infection!. In particular, they are believed to be involved in helping fight off pharyngeal and upper respiratory tract infections!.

Tonsillectomy may be performed when the patient:

Experiences frequent bouts of acute tonsillitis!. The number requiring tonsillectomy varies with the severity of the episodes!. One case, even severe, is generally not enough for most surgeons to decide tonsillectomy is necessary!.
Has chronic tonsillitis, consisting of persistent, moderate-to-severe throat pain!.
Has multiple bouts of peritonsillar abscess!.
Has sleep apnea (stopping or obstructing breathing at night due to enlarged tonsils or adenoids)
Difficulty eating or swallowing due to enlarged tonsils (very unusual reason for tonsillectomy)
Produces tonsilloliths in the back of their mouth!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

They are the two balls on either side of your throat!. If you open your mouth real wide and hold your tongue down, you can see them!.

People can have abnormally large tonsils and need to have them removed due to chronic sore throats and tonsil stones!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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