How do O.R. surgeons cope with alcohol poisoning?!

Question: How do O!.R!. surgeons cope with alcohol poisoning!?
MDs, RNs, and anyone with knowledge!.!.!.

Is it certain death if a person has too much alcohol in their blood, or is there a way they cope with it in the OR!? I know that there is no at-home way to speed up sobriety, so is there something special they have at hospitals!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Usually if you have to much alcohol then they will pump your stomach to get it out of your system!. But this will only work it you haven't completely digested it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Alcohol poisoning is usually treated in the ER!. They put an IV with electrolytes if needed to prevent or reverse dehydration!.
They monitor you closely to ensure you don't gag, choke or throw up!.
Protect airway!.
Give oxygen!.

It is not certain death if you have alcohol poisoning, but it can affect your heart & kidneys adversely!.

Google: mayo clinic>>diseases>>alcohol poisoningWww@Answer-Health@Com

im not a nurse or a doctor, so i cant say for sure, what all they do!. but i think trhey give your body fluids, stick an IV in you!.!.!. maybe pump your stomach!. the best thing to do if you think you have alcohol poisoning is try to throw up as much as you can and get it out!. if it's a life or death situation, call 911!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can't really speed up sobriety!. They'll pump your stomach and/or give you activated charcoal to absorb the alcohol!. Also a saline IV to reverse dehydration!. That's my understanding, anyway!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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