Where to go for STD advice?!

Question: Where to go for STD advice!?
I have been getting small blisters for the past few months on my lips, and little bumps have appeared in my mouth ouder my tongue!. I also have what seems to be genital warts and think they may be related but am not sure!.

Anyway i was curious where i should go to have both these things looked at!. I do not really have a family doctor!. Should i schedule an appointment at a dermatology clinic!? or at a place that only deals with stds!? and if so how do i find one of these!?

any information is very helpful!. thanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

Your general practice or primary care physician can give you a preliminary opinion on your lesions and offer some treatments or at the very least a recommendation plus referrals to a specialist!. Don't underestimate a GP, they're versatile and have broad training in a lot of aspects of personal health!.

So yes, even if you don't go to the doctor consistently, give him or her a call and schedule an appointment!.

If that isn't an option for you, then your local public health clinic should be able to help out!. Call your local health department and ask for clinic hours and locations!. Treatment should be free or low-cost!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go to your county's health department!. Please do not have unprotected sex!. Genital warts may be a nuisance for a guy, but they are hell for your partner--to get rid of them, they are frozen and it hurts!. They are caused by a virus which has been linked to cervical cancer, so getting rid of the actual warts won't get rid of the virus!. The blisters on your lips could be a variation of the herpes virus (chicken pox/cold sores/std)!. Until you know what's going on, don't have sex or even kiss!.!.!.!.!.and for sure talk to any potential partner so that person can make an informed decision!. You have these problems because someone else shared them with you!. By the way, most county health departments also give away condoms and dental dams!. By asking this question, I know you want to take responsibility for your actions, and I send you the energy to do that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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