My brother is 14 and has very oily skin, i just saw an ad for Cosmedicine for Oi!

Question: My brother is 14 and has very oily skin, i just saw an ad for Cosmedicine for Oil Control!?
Does the product really work!?!? Please help he's very self conscious about his apperance!! :(Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi Celi

Good advice see a derm!. There are things you can do though!.

The very mild cleansing agents such as Benzyl Peroxide say 2!.5% are pretty good if applied in small amounts and just once a day to start with!. Build up gradually to twice if there is acne aswell, then go up the strengths a required!. (They are very cheap i!.e!. only a few pence)

If this is not available over the counter in your country I am sure that your family practitioner would start with this as a sensible first step!.

The most important advice is that this will often go on for a few years and it is vital that he sticks with the treatment!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

So, if he cares that much about his appearance!.!.!.!. he should make an appointment with a good dermatologist! They would be the best to determine which products or treatments will be the most beneficial for your brother!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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