Why does the blood sugar level decreased tremendously for my mother? Below are t!

Question: Why does the blood sugar level decreased tremendously for my mother!? Below are the details!.!?
My mother is a BP patient and slightly diabetic!.Her BP level is in control for the recent results of her medical checkup!. But the blood sugar level decreased so low this time compared to previous checkups!. Now her blood sugar level is 4!.0 compared to last time where the level will be in the range of 5!.0-8!.0!. Why does the situation occured and what is the cure!? Why sometimes she experienced dizziness and headache in between 11a!.m!. to 12p!.m!. everyday and felt better after consuming something sweet!? How to overcome this situation and what is the cure for this!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

The dizziness & headache is a sign of low blood sugar!. I have hypoglycemia which is the opposite of diabetes!. My sugar is always low!. The best thing to do is to have something with natural sugars for breakfast!. Oranges and bananas are great!. Candy bars can be emergency food but try to stay away from them, it spikes your sugar & then you crash & its bad!. Follow up whatever sugar you use with some protein!. Peanut butter, a grilled cheese sandwich, anything with some complex carbohydrates & good protein!. Also, eating throughout the day to keep the sugar levels steady!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Did she lose weight!?

I think you are talking about her HgA1c being 4!.0!. That is a very good thing!.

Anyway, it sounds like her blood sugar is too low, now!. The symptoms you mention are those of hypoglycemia!.

Talk to her doctor about it!. I don't think that anyoe can tell you why her blood sugar went down!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

get a glucose meter with strips designed for it (the meter) , calibrate the meter check her blood sugar properly then you can determine what needs to be done based on what the glucose meter says,they`re free with at least ten strips and instructions!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

She really needs to be checking her blood when she feels dizzy!. If she goes too low she could have a seizure!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

She should ask her M!.D!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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