My moms scalp has been itching like CRAZY. like suicidal crazy. what can she do?!

Question: My moms scalp has been itching like CRAZY!. like suicidal crazy!. what can she do!?
i bought her head and shoulders shampoo [intense] and it doenst seem to help!.!.!.
and she's at the point where her scalp is bleeding from all that scratching!.

also iono if its natural but she says her hair gets oily!.
shes been trying alot of shampoos and she washes her hair like twice a day
what can she do to help it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all, check to see if she has lice, you can find them usually above the ears and at the nape of the neck, you might see eggs on the hair shafts <can look like dandruff but won't fall off when shaken>, there are also mites <they are really hard to find> So you can treat them with lice shampoo so its worth a try to just go ahead and use it!. Try a shampoo like TGel!. If she has broken the skin it may be a never ending battle because healing cuts itch!. Tell her to quit scratching, if she must, use a Qtip <the name brand ones are better> that way she won't damage her scalp!. If none of this helps, go to the dermatologist she may have something that needs to be treated with a prescription!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First and foremost she should see a doctor!. Tho my guess is seborrheic dermatitis since it's itching and oily at the same time!. If it also gets red even before she scratches her scalp my guess would be verified!. There are medicated shampoos to improve her condition but seborrheic dermatitis does not have a cure!. I'm no expert tho so I say again, she should see a doc!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ok Are you sure she does not have head lice!? Second, she may be getting a reaction from all the different shampoos, even if they are anti-itching!. Lastly, she might have psoriasis of the scalp and may need to see a doctor for a prescription medication or shampoo that will help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sometimes itching it can make it worse so tell her to stop itching it!. She can wear gloves to stop this!. Also you can use smashed avacado by just opening the avacado and poaching it with a fork and put it in a bowl and then put it on your scalp then wash off!. It is very soothing for itchingWww@Answer-Health@Com

She needs to see a Dr!. There is no way to diagnose this herself!. She may have what is considered to be a complication of diabetes!. The only way to stop the itching is to get the blood sugar under control!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go to a doctor!. Check for lice!. If you have pets she may have fleas!. It probably has nothing to do with dandruff!. See a doctor they will know!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


Sounds like an allergic reaction to something!. Best thing to do is to take an over the counter allergy medicine like Zyrtec and put Neosporin on the scratches to help them heal!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have her get a prescription for selenium sulfide solution or she can get the extra strength Selsun Blue Shampoo!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sunlight and Scalpacin!. I have issues too and this is the only thing that helps the itch!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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