How long can someone live with two big goiters on their neck?!

Question: How long can someone live with two big goiters on their neck!?
will it evenually wrap itself around my vocal cords!. sometimes when i am lying down in bed, it feels like,,,,well, like i have a lump in my throat!. I have had them since 2002 and left side was bigger than right!. then it went down and the right side is bigger now!. but the left side is getting bigger!. because of husband's job pay, i do not qualify for medical and it too expensive to add me to his and the kids' insurance thru his job!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You cannot let these goiters go untreated!. They are interfering with the proper functioning of your thyroid gland which, in turn, helps to regulate many of your body's life-sustaining functions!. You should see a physician soon!. This is important for you and for your family!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You really need to think about going ahead and having surgery, money is not worth your life and your children need their mom!. Are you being seen by a doctor at all right now!? Please say yes!. Even if you have to pay $50 a month until the day you die, it is worth having surgery!. You are worth it!!!! I will be thinking of you, good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are a liar!. You do NOT have TWO big goiters!. A goiter is an enlarged thyroid!.
How about lymphoma!?
How about go to the doctor anyway and pay in installments!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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