If you had cancer would you take chemo?!

Question: If you had cancer would you take chemo!?
or would you try an alternative holistic approach!.Www@Answer-Health@Com




Not everyone who has cancer has chemotherapy; it isn't always the appropriate treatment - some have radiotherapy only, or just surgry, it depends on the individual case!.

It's important to remember that 'alternative', in this context, simply means unproven!. If any alternative medicine had been proven to work, it wouldn't be alternative medicine any more!. It would just be medicine!.

If you had asked me this question before I had cancer, I would probably have said no!. Even after my diagnosis and surgery, I was determined I wouldn't have it, and I researched alternative options thoroughly, even consulting a couple of practitioners!. All this led me to the conclusion that there are unscrupulous people out there eager to part desperate people from their cash in exchange for therapies that have never, in a single case, been proven to work!.

I decided to go ahead with chemo after discussing with my oncologist a) the advanced and aggressive nature of my cancer and b) the percentage by which chemotherapy could possibly increase my survival stats (oncologists, unlike many alternative practitioners, are honest enough and know enough about cancer not to offer any guarantees)!.

Am I glad I had chemo!? Yes, I believe it's possible I owe my life to it!. Would I have it again if my cancer recurred!? Probably, but only after discussion with my oncologist about the possible improvement in my survival chances - I believe quality is more important than quantity!.

Chemo is not perfect - very far from it!. But we know, because it has been rigourously tested and proven in double-blind clinical trials, that it saves some lives and prolongs many, many more!. No 'alternative' treatment has been tested and proven in this way, and many practitioners are reluctant to allow such testing (for obvious reasons, in my opinion)!. Where they have been tested, as in the case of laetrile (apricot kernels, described in a link provided by somebody here), they have been found to be ineffective against cancer!.

Bottom line is, people who actually have cancer don't have the time to experiment!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would take the Chemo although I know that it will probably make me sick as hell first!.

I've heard that it doesn't only destroy the cancer but it poisons your whole body!. But up to this day, sadly enough, it is still the cure with the highest succesrate!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Most alt treatments have no science backing them up!. I did chemo the first two times in conjunction with some alt additions!. I feel that most of the alts will make you feel better, and maybe even help, but it was the chemo that made me better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, I do have cancer and I do chemo every single day!. They told me I had one to three years to live, and that was 8 years ago, I guess it is doing the trick so far!. Good luck to you if you have to make this choice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had chemotherapy last summer for cancer!. Having an aggressive cancer and having three young children, I didn't want to take any chances!. I'm not against alternative holistic approach, just didnt feel comfortable relying on it for my case!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I might try some alternatives but I would and have stuck with the chemo!. I always said that if I got cancer I would never take chemo but after finding out that my type of leukemia might even be cured I went with the chemo!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Recently finished chemo which shrank my tumor from 6 cm to less than 1 in 4 months!. I doubt if an alt approach could have done that!. Without the chemo I would have been facing losing a breast instead of just getting a lumpectomy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have 4 children I would like to be alive for, I would most certainly go with chemo, I am saying the other one wouldn't work, I just wouldn't want to risk it!.
thank youWww@Answer-Health@Com

I took chemo in 2000!. It made me very sick at the time, but I think I might have bought some time by doing it even though it has come back!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


Chemo and I would do it again if I have to!.

4 year cancer survivor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had cancer and I had tale chemoWww@Answer-Health@Com

i would stick with the tried and true!. unless i knew i was going to die!.


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