PMS + blood sugar level?!

Question: PMS + blood sugar level!?
Do any other women out there experience more problems with low blood sugar during pms!? I get "low" way more during pms than any other time of the month!. I don't change my eating or exercise patterns during pms so it can't be either of those!. Any idea why this happens!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes!. It is very common for diabetics to experience either more problems with low (or high) blood sugar during pms!.
For me, it was the opposite (blood sugars raised alot and I had to take extra insulin)!.

When I looked into it, I learned that other premenstral women were having the same problem!. And some were not diabetic! In typical women, blood sugar readings stay level for about to 5 hours after a meal!. But, during the premenstrual phase, blood sugar levels can drop sooner (around three hours after eating)!. So if it does this in non-diabetic women, the low blood sugars can be even more extreme for diabetics!.

As far as what causes this, it is not certain (not enough studies to make a conclusion) but it may be the high levels of prostagladins that circulate in our bloodstream during PMS that causes it!.

This drop in blood sugar can also be worsened if you have low thyroid levels (hypothyroidism)!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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