STS or UTI?!

Question: STS or UTI!?
i had a girlfriend 2 yrs ago,the first time i had sex with her the following day i felt pain on my penis for 3 days!. i was confused what it was,but on the 4th the pain disappeared so i ignored it!.then the next year i had a new girlfriend,we had sex,and about a week later i was having difficulty urinating!.that was something new for me!.it lasted for 2 weeks and then blood came out of my penis while i was peeing!.it only happened once!.on the 3rd week the pain while urinating was gone but i noticed that when i go to the toilet and "dump",well we push right ,there i noticed that a whitish liquid,like a sperm was coming out of my penis!.until now!.i havent yet taken something or see a doctor for my condition!.is it UTI!?or STD!?chlamydia!?and also i have something in my bladder,i dont know what to call it,but a stone!?that was found during my annual check up!.when i got the result from that check up it says that i needed to undergo ultra sound to determine what it is!.can someone tell me!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go to this website(http://www!.avert!.org/std!.htm) and click on each STD and it'll show the symptoms!. Here's the symptoms for bladder and kidney infections!. Hope this helps!. Good Luck!!!!

For bladder infections
Frequent urination along with the feeling of having to urinate even though there may be very little urine to pass!.
Nocturia: Need to urinate during the night!.
Urethritis: Discomfort or pain at the urethral meatus or a burning sensation throughout the urethra with urination (dysuria)!.
Pain in the midline suprapubic region!.
Pyuria: Pus in the urine or discharge from the urethra!.
Hematuria: Blood in urine!.
Pyrexia: Mild fever
Cloudy and foul-smelling urine
Increased confusion and associated falls are common presentations to Emergency Departments for elderly patients with UTI!.
Some urinary tract infections are asymptomatic!.
Protein found in the urine!.

For kidney infections
All of the above symptoms!.
Emesis: Vomiting is common!.[3]
Back, side (flank) or groin pain!.
Abdominal pain or pressure!.
Shaking chills and high spiking fever!.
Night sweats!.
Extreme fatigue!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it may be a yeast infection my husband got one once yes men can get them and from the way he explained it it is very painful i would get it checked if that the problem they will probably give u penicilin or something like that also you gf should get something like monistate or some pill if u have it because you most likely got it from her!. from know one try incerting your finger and moving it around see it it comes out with whitish yellowish creamy stuff on it that resembles cottage cheese if so she might have a yeast infection (wear a rubber)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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