Is it OK for Diabetics to eat dried fruit eg raisins .?!

Question: Is it OK for Diabetics to eat dried fruit eg raisins !.!?
Fruit sugar is concentrated in dried fruits!. Generally, diabetics should avoid refined sugars as they enter the blood stream very quickly!. Fruit sugar behaves slightly better!.

Always control your blood sugar within the accepted limits!. If your blood sugar is within limits, at the time, it is alright to eat some dried fruits!. Generally, we eat a variety of foods to live & be healthy!. They call it a balanced diet!. In your case you avoid loading up your blood with sugars by not eating too much of it in one go!. For a start eat less than 5 pcs & test your blood sugar 1 hr after!.

Dried fruit is good food!. So can use as emergency food when your blood sugar gets too low!. I have found 2 to 3 (at most 4 seeds) of dates is when I am hypo-glycaemic (low blood sugar)!.

You must stay away from refined sugar!. (EXCEPT in dire need as in life-threatening low blood sugar situation!.) I have experience very low DMBS & come out of it safely with 2 to 4 pcs of dates!.

Diabetes does not mean zero sugar intake!. It is about controlling the DMBS to within range!. Blood sugar keeps you alive!. Your brain depends on it! It is about the delivery of sugar into your blood-stream!. Sugars from slow-release foods is preferred !.!. lesser processed carbohydrates, whole grain cereals, etc!. And if you top-up with dried fruits, you must moderate or control according to your body needs!. Keep tight control of your blood-sugar!.

There are goodies in fruits !.!. minerals, fibres, etc!. You cannot eat like non-diabetics!. Moderate & watch the calorie-count & the DMBS!. I spread out my meals and eat fresh fruits & dried fruits (usually in between meals) The experts say watch your glycemic load and be careful with foods with high glycemic index!.

Hope the above is useful to you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

diabetes can eat fruit dried or other wise but due to fructose which is a sugar how much you can or allowed to eat if any is up to how good your diabetes and sugar levels fruit can make your sugar level go sky high again this is a question best asked of you care team or dietitian i have type 2 diabetes and its well under control and if i have fruit my sugar levels rocket upward i know other diabetes that have there`s well under control and it make it up but not as bad as mine fruit is the one thing i still have the same limit on form the day i became a diabeticWww@Answer-Health@Com

In limited quantities!. Raisins (and grapes,before they become raisins) are quite high in sugar!. If you are diabetic,consult with a dietician to find out what fresh and dried fruits are best for you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes!. It is really part of the diabetics responsibility to watch what they eat!. If you have a friend or relative who is diabetic and comes over often, you should read up on what they should be eating and the like!. Or ask them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, but you need to adjust your exchanges accordingly!. There is very little today that a Diabetic cannot eat providing you reference your exchange diet requirements and monitor your blood sugar as your doctor directs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Dried fruit contain as much, and sometimes more sugar than fresh fruit!. Only small amounts are recommended!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just count your carbs as always!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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