Is IBS in any way connected with protozoal infection ?!

Question: Is IBS in any way connected with protozoal infection !?
For yrs,I suffered acid reflux,and IBS symptoms!. I've had anxiety and depression!. I have allergic rhinitis and CFS !. I also had severe bouts of headache at the upper part of my back neck area that occurs after eating when my stomach bloats!. One of my Drs!.said i might have giardiasis and had metronidazole for 3 weeks!. Though I felt better, after treatment, the symptoms were back !. I don't think Drs can cure me anymore since Ive been prompt in visiting severel specialists already!. I'm desperate!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

IBS and acid reflux are all from the same issue; LOW STOMACH ACID! When you have low stomach acid, you will not kill the bad germs that enter your stomach!. The antacids prescribed for this condition make it worse!. You may feel better for a short while by just treating the symptoms as medical people do, but the root cause will still be there, as you have experienced!.

What happens is the food you eat is supposed to be broken down by the stomach acid, especially proteins in your stomach!. In order for this to happen, the pH of the stomach must be lowered by the stomach acid to between 0!.8 pH and 3!.0 pH!. If you don't produce enough acid, the pyloric sphincter at the bottom of your stomach will not open!. This leaves the food in your stomach to rot and putrefy!. This putrefaction causes methane gas to be produced, just like what happens in garbage, and causes a pressure to build up in the stomach!. The cardio sphincter at the top of the stomach tries to remain closed, but when the pressure builds up, it causes the LACTIC ACID produced by the rotting, disgusting food mass to back up into your esophagus and give you what they call "acid reflux!."

So instead of addressing this root cause, they give you antacids to neutralize the stomach acid, right!? So, it does that, but also neutralizes the LACTIC ACID and you feel better!. But, now, you've destroyed your ability to digest your food!. So, that disgusting mass of rotting, putrefying chyme goes into your intestines and throws off toxins!. These toxins end up in your liver and it gets overwhelmed so it gives the job to your kidneys!. You get constipation, diarrhea, etc!. depending upon the flavor of the month germs!.

The IBS comes because the only lightly acidic chyme gets into the intestines and irritates the intestinal walls!. This low acid condition is not acidic enough to trigger the pancreas to secrete bicarbonate to neutralize the acidic chyme, leaving this slightly acid mass to move into your intestines and irritate the walls!. When you add the toxins from this putrefying mess, you can see why your body gets infected!.

To top it off, many parasites, as well as bacteria and viruses that are normally killed by good acid production in the stomach, are free to roam about your body and wreak havoc!

The headaches and sinus problems have their root cause in infections in the intestines and liver!.

You can solve his issue easily!. Eating cooked foods create a big need for more stomach acid!. If you take a supplement, as I do after each meal, of Betaine HCL and an HCL activator, you will not get these problems!. The effect is immediate and you won't need to see a doctor!. You won't need antacids!. You will reduce that spare tire due to bad digestion!. You will have more energy because your food will actually be being digested for a change!.

I cannot believe how the medical industry listens to the drug industry regarding this issue!. I believe it is criminal how they dupe the public on this!. The drug companies know the truth about this and continue making billions on this farce!. It's truly unbelievable!.

E-mail me for more information on this if you like!. I will be glad to get you the right information and the cost is very inexpensive to purchase the right products that will solve this issue for you!.

good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Great info on IBS, click link below!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Click this link and look for bmalt34, that's my answer for you!. Hope it helps!

Lactose intolerance!?!? mucous in the stools, bloating and cramping, digestive troubles such as constipation, acid reflux, belching and burping, gassiness and wet f*arting (sorry, no other way to say it), ribbony and stringy shaped bowel movements or rabbit pellet shaped movements are all symptoms of lactose intolerance!. !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. mucous in the stools is a definite sign of lactose intolerance!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. IBS, hmmmm, that's what they told me i had!! anothery of those toooo hard diseases that they concoct labels for if you ask me!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. anyways, i had diabolical digestive troubles, insomnia, chronic fatigue and exhaustion, headaches and migraines, achy bones !.!.!.!.!.!.!. Doctors couldn't work it out so they put me on an antipschycotic and turned me into a walking zombie for 3 years !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. i was lactose intolerant and not one of them worked it out !.!.!.!.!. don't be a victim mate, ditch the milk and dairy products and see if it makes a difference!.

You need to pinpoint the culprit here and eliminate all dairy milk products for a couple of days and note how you then feel !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. this includes foods such as milk, yoghurt, ice cream, cheese (although cheese is extremely low in lactose and you may still be able to tolerate it), cream etc!.etc!.etc!.

this analysis would make an awful lot of sense buddy !.!.!.!.!. lactose intolerance inhibits the absorption of all your vitamins, minerals and nutrients because you are unable to process the lactose in foods that you are ingesting everything is then compromised !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. calcium deficiency would definitely then explain the critical headaches and migraines!.!.!. do you also get achy bones, insomnia, digestive troubles such as cramping, constipation and bloating you already do get !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. without calcium you would then be unable to absorb any of your B12 (part of the B complex) and would then be exhibiting symptoms of iron deficiency anemia (as iron needs B12 for effective absorption) ~ fatigue and exhaustion (CFS!?!?!?!? another too hard label!?!?), headaches and migraines, irritability and moodiness, dizzy spells and loss of balance, paleness of skin, pasty and pale and white looking skin on the inner lid of your bottom eye lid as opposed to a healthy rich red coloring!?!?

please ensure that you take a calcium supplement containing vitamin D3 as they both rely on each other for effective absorption and increase your intake of non dairy calcium rich foods as calcium is essential for healthy bones, teeth and for heart health and also for a healthy digestive and neural system!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. your calcium intake is being hindered by the lactose intolerance ?

foods rich in calcium are ~ leafy and green vegies, sardines, salmon, tofu, nuts and seeds, peanuts, walnuts and sunflower seeds, kale, broccoli and collard greens!.

foods rich in vitamin D are cold water fishes such as salmon and tuna and sardines !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. actually they are rich in both calcium and vitamin D!.

eat more foods rich in iron too if you aren't already!.!.!.!.!.!.!. iron deficiency anemia will also produce nasty nasty headaches? the quickest way to get that bounce back in your step and that rosy glow on your cheeks is to ensure that you are getting enough iron, Bcomplex of vitamin, calcium and vitamin D on a daily basis?

Take a multi B complex tablet including all the B's ie: B1, B2 B3, B5, B6 and B12 as they work best synergistically (together)!.!.!.!.!.!.!. do not take any of the B complex of vitamins individually, but rather as a whole complex, unless specifically instructed to by a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath!.

The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning!.

The B complex of vitamins is a water soluble complex and as such our bodies can neither store or produce them!. Therefore we need to ingest them on a daily basis

To eliminate the horrid acid reflux go and get yourself some organic apple cider vinegar ~ Braggs is a good quality brand!. put 2 tablespoons into a mug and fill with water,mix it up and drink through a straw to protect the enamel on your teeth !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. this will encourage the production of hydrochloric acid in your tummy and cure an acid tummy by increasing digestion and realkalising your tummy!. Apple cider vinegar will also eliminate heart burn and acid reflux symptoms!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. have two mugs if you have to!. All natural ingredients, no chemicals or rubbish to upset sensitive little bodies in organic apple cider vinegar either!.

here, check out this link ~


oh, please ensure that you buy organic as the commercial varieties have had so much goodness taken from them that they could really never possibly be used for therapeutic purposes ?

The organic ACV will also help you to digest the B complex tablets you buy as you probably also have low stomach acid?

Shake the bottle well too so that the Mother (active ingredient) in it is well dispersed throughout the ACV?

hope this helps buddy?

take care of you ?


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