Am i allergic to my hair?!

Question: i know this sounds weird but when someones hair or my hair touches my lips my lips get itchy and swell. why is that? anyone else have the problem?

Answers: i know this sounds weird but when someones hair or my hair touches my lips my lips get itchy and swell. why is that? anyone else have the problem?

Yes, I do, and you can be!! I talked with my dr about it. It can be either the actual hair or the products you use on it.

Good Luck, I keep my hair pulled back while I sleep and changed all my hair products to dove.

I think its in your imagination

It would more likely be the hair shampoo or products that you are using rather than your hair.

You could be allergic to an ingredient in the shampoo/conditioner and hairspray/products that you are using. Try using something natural or organic, and see if that helps. :)

It might be one of the products that you use in your hair. Shampoo, gels, etc.

You aren't the only one like that. Lots of people are allergic to the toxic chemicals they put in personal care products. You are one of the lucky ones, because of your reaction, you know that stuff is bad for you. Lots of people use these products without realizing the harm they are doing to their bodies.
Of the chemical soup they use to make personal care products, the ones to look out for are formaldehyde, parabens, and lanolin. Yes, I know lanolin is "all natural" but so is arsenic and ya don't need to be putting either on the largest organ in your body...your skin!
I've attached a link to an article about the hidden dangers of formaldehyde and a link to some hair stuff that doesn't use those chemicals. See if you can find the Free & Clear at a store near you.
Don't let anyone tell you that its weird.....its not weird and is more common than most people think.

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