
Question: I was diagnosed w/scabies last week, have used elimite a couple of times... i thought i was getting better, now i am having bumps appear again and itching, but not sure if it is psychological??? or if it is reaction to the feces that everything says can stay for up to a month?? also, i have read that just b/c this happens, it does not mean that the treatment didn't work. i am going to use the elimite again tonight. do you have any suggestions on the new bumps...

Answers: I was diagnosed w/scabies last week, have used elimite a couple of times... i thought i was getting better, now i am having bumps appear again and itching, but not sure if it is psychological??? or if it is reaction to the feces that everything says can stay for up to a month?? also, i have read that just b/c this happens, it does not mean that the treatment didn't work. i am going to use the elimite again tonight. do you have any suggestions on the new bumps...

even after you get rid of them , you are scared that you still have them , so you maybe it did work but just do the medication again just in case. make sure you clean your whole house becuz they can live on the furniture and your clothes . so maybe lysol all your furniture and clean all your bedding and clothes. i know its horrible and scary, just make sure you CLEAN everything in your house and car that they might be hiding because the symtoms dont go away for atleast 2 weeks , so you dont want to think you got rid of them that whole time and you really didnt . good luck :)


Get some ******* medicine.
That's nasty.

you have to use the medicine just as you were told cant stop and start again..continue to use it will not get rid of them if you continue to stop and then start the treatment again...

change your bedding and tell any one who might have slept with you ,also bath your cat or dog to ,wash everything around your room ,rewash all cloths towels anything your body touched ,it is a hassle but worth it ,also take a Dramamine too ,to curd the feeling of itchiness

You have to wash bedding in hot water, you have to vacuum all the rooms thoroughly, you have to use that lice stuff at least 3 days in a row, make sure you take a couple more regular baths after you use that stuff too its an insecticide.. I remember when my daughter got them. Luckily we did a good job and in 3 days time they were totally gone.

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