MEDICAL PERSONEL ONLY what is the difference between genital herpies and oral ul!

Question: My friends boyfriend says that when she gets a cold sore it is the same as genital herpies and that they class both things together.Is this true?

Answers: My friends boyfriend says that when she gets a cold sore it is the same as genital herpies and that they class both things together.Is this true?

Your friend's boyfriend is correct. Cold sores (at least some kinds of them) are indeed caused by a herpes virus.

There are two types of herpes viruses. The HSV1 type "prefers" the mouth/face, but it can also infect the genitals. The HSV2 type "prefers" the genitals, but it can also infect the mouth. Oral herpes just means that you have one of these two strains on your mouth, and genital herpes means you have one of them on you genitals.

Your friend and her boyfriend should know that he can get genital herpes if she gives him oral sex - even if she doesn't have a cold sore at that moment.

For lots more detailed information on herpes, how to avoid it, and what the symptoms are, I recommend the web site below. It is very reliable source (unlike much of Yahoo!Answers), with up-to-date information.

I am not a medical person, by the way, but I do know a LOT about herpes and have it myself. I've also heard of doctors giving out mis-information about herpes, so I'd suggest you do the research yourself via reliable web sites.

Good question.

it is possible for cold sores to cause genital herpes, they are from the same family of viruses (herpes simplex)

Genitall and oral herpes are caused by the same virus but genital herpes is generally called by the type 2 strain of herpes and oral herpes (coldsores) are usually caused by the type 1 strain.
Both strains cause similar symptoms but obviously genital herpes affects the genitals and oral herpes affects the orofacial region.
Hope that's cleared it up for you.

They are the same type of virus, but cold sores are rarely the same virus strand that causes genital herpes.

Hey, girl! lol

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