Sleep Amnoea?!

Question: Is there any real doctor who can help me to get rid of sleep amnoea?

Answers: Is there any real doctor who can help me to get rid of sleep amnoea?

First of all know the definition of sleep apnoea its definied as cessation of breathing during sleep.If it persists for more than TEN seconds during sleep it calls for treatment either medical or surgical. Less than that doesnt qualify for the definition surgical intervention . that will be diagnosed by a machine which works when you are asleep. Consult your doctor on that.
Now the biggest risk factor for sleep apnoea is obesity which makes your tissues of respiratory tract esp uvula stocky and it hangs down while you are in lying position and obstructs the free flow of air. You repsire against an obstruction which makes the air strike againist it making it to vibrate and producing sound which we call snoring.
Modalities of treatment
*reduce weight
*do exercise
if its more than 10 seconds then
*there is a machine available which helps you in sleeping. It keeps the uvula apart. Consult your doctor on that
*if all methods fail there is a surgical procedure known as 'uvuloplasty' and 'palatouvuloplasty' in which parts of palate and or uvula are surgically excised(cut off)
i think you should consult a good ent surgeon for these

do you mean sleep apnea? you would have to use a c pap breathing machine while you sleep, or if you are severely overweight, lose weight.

You need a sleep study to first determine if you have sleep apnea. Then, you'll usually needs a home use CPAP machine/mask to keep you airway open. If you are overweight, you might want to lose weight as it will help you.

Consult agood homeopath of your area for symptomatic remedy. Drinking Indian Mulberry is another alternative.

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