Does Diabetes run in the family?!

Question: If a parent has Diabetes does that mean the family should be checked as well?

Answers: If a parent has Diabetes does that mean the family should be checked as well?

Yes it is an hereditary disease, you should have regular blood tests

oh yes

yup sure does

Yes, particularly if you are overweight (type II I think).

yes i think it does run in families my mum had it and now my brother has been diagnosed

yes it generally runs in family,s but can skip a generation

I have it but no one else in my family has it... at least thats my situation.


It also means you need to take extra special care of yourself so that you don't develop diabetes if you don't have it already.

My mother, grandmother, grandfather, and uncle all had diabetes. It killed them all. Now my oldest brother has diabetes.

He's the only one because he's the only one who ignored all the familiy's warnings and didn't take care of his health.

You know what? High blood pressure goes hand in hand with diabetes, so if diabetes runs in your family, chances are that high blood pressure runs in your family too.

You just need to remember that because of your family medical history, you can't just eat junk food and not exercise like your friends do, it could KILL you...

It can do, doesn't mean that if your parents have it you will definitely get it though

I have type 1 and my uncle and grandmother have it........... so in my situation I think yes.....

Type one diabetes can run in the family so to answer your question, yes, your whole family should get checked on a yearly basis.

Yes, definitely.

For sure. There is a genetic predisposition. Here's a site with more info:

There are both Types 1 and 2 in my family, but that's isn't always the case for some people.

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