Allergy medication?!

Question: I have an allergy to dust and was wondering what the best allergy medication would be. It is a nuisance, I sneeze and I get a runny nose all the time. Any help is appreciated.

Answers: I have an allergy to dust and was wondering what the best allergy medication would be. It is a nuisance, I sneeze and I get a runny nose all the time. Any help is appreciated.

All of the suggestions here about what allergy meds to use are great. So I just want to add this one thing: If the zyrtec does not work try allegra (doc has to prescribe it). In my son's case he became immune to the zyrtec after using it for four years. The allegra has worked well for him so far in controlling his dust mite and other environmental allergies. Good luck!

You want to try something that is non-drowsy for you so you can stay awake and function during the day. Try something like Zertec or Alevert.

Zyrtec is what my son uses and it can make you drowsy. It works for him. I take Loratadine (same as Claritin but it costs less), because when I tried Zyrtec it didn't help me at all. We are both allergic to dustmites and pet dander. Try it for yourself which med works for you. Zyrtec is over-the-counter, too now.

Get a HEPA filter air purifier, they work great & make a big difference.
Take Zyrtec at night before bed.
Nasonex nasal spray.Prescription.
Saline nasal spray 3-4X/day.
Drink lots of water.
Astelin nasal spray at night (prescription)

Good luck

Try non-drowsy Reactine allergy it's a 24 hours relief of runny nose-itchy-watery eyes-sneezing-hives. Regular strenght. I have the same pb and it's working for me!

Good luck!

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