
Question: Hey all, I had a question about cellulitis in its healing stages. I've been using keflex and mupirocin topical ointment for a week now and most of the wounds are almost fully closed. When can I stop using mupirocin ointment and switch to a lotion like Eucerin? Its been 7 days thus far.

Answers: Hey all, I had a question about cellulitis in its healing stages. I've been using keflex and mupirocin topical ointment for a week now and most of the wounds are almost fully closed. When can I stop using mupirocin ointment and switch to a lotion like Eucerin? Its been 7 days thus far.

I have had cellilitis three times, last year. Infact, the infection became so severe that I almost had to have my foot amputated.

I am not sure of the severity of your own condition, but the basic rule of thumb with cellulitis is to follow your doctor's advice. Do not assume that because 7 days have passed and because the wounds are almost closed that it is okay to switch medication.

Cellulitis can take less than a week to disappear in most cases, but in some cases it can take weeks or months. This condition can result in amputations, disabilities and even death if not treated properly. It can also can also spread to the deep fascial lining and basically turn into "flesh eating bacteria".

When I first got infected with cellulitis, I did not follow the doctor's advise. I then became more ill and ended up having to go on intervenous antibotics and had to go to the hospital three times daily for a drip. This is because the infection had also entered my blood stream. I thought my condition was healed and that I could discontinue my medication as prescribed by my family doctor !!! It was the worst mistake of my life!!!

I do not mean to scare you, but I simply don't want you to go through what I ended up going through.

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