Have you ever heard of VSD heart defect ?!

Question: My 9 year old son was just diagnosed with ventricular septal defect, have you ever heard of this before? Is this a heart murmur? or is this something differant then a heart murmur but comes with a murmur ?

Answers: My 9 year old son was just diagnosed with ventricular septal defect, have you ever heard of this before? Is this a heart murmur? or is this something differant then a heart murmur but comes with a murmur ?

The two ventricles of the heart normally are seprated by a septum, in some children there is a communication betwen these two chambers this communication is called VSD. It is small if < 0.5 square cm , but > .5 cm moderate to large VSD . The murmur resullt from turbelunce of blood through the defect . some VSDs close spontaneously but some don't .Basicly your child need echocardioraphy and if the cariologist need further studies.

There are different condition of the heart that presents itself with heart murmur. VSD is one of them. In this case it is a hole in the septum separating the left and the right ventricle.


the right and left side of the heart is divided by a septum.Ventricles are the lower 2 chambers of the heart responsible for pumping the blood into the lungs for oxygenation and out to the body. In ventricular septal defects there is an abnormal opening in the septum between the right and left ventricle. This opening can range from a pinhole size a complete lack of septum dividing the ventricle. Depending on the size of the opening,there can be mixing of the oxygenated blood returning from the lungs and deoxygenated blood returning from the body.

Your doctor will be able to tell you if the defect needs to be repaired surgically or if there are better options to treat your son.

Best wishes for you both
I included this site, hope it helps. I saw it had some things about teens and preteens with VSD because most of the informative sites about VSD will talk about it in newborns.

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