What do you think would happen if i just drank 1 spray of windex?!

Question: I'm trying to get myself sick because i told my parents i was sick so i could stay home today

Answers: I'm trying to get myself sick because i told my parents i was sick so i could stay home today

would that b y u aint been at skool??? i wouldnt drink any more.....do u want me 2 call ur parents and tell them wat u been drinkin? jk i wouldnt do that. but seriously--dont drink any more windex

ahahahaaa i have a snow day todayyy..WOOOO!!!
and dont do that..its like poison..jst cough alot and pretend ur stomach hurts..

You can't pretend? Don't be retarded.

You'll make a sour face.

just make yourself puke
dont go to that extreme to make yourself drink poison!

You could clean windows with your breath - dont do it.

You will die

ummmm you would get really sick and you would have to call the poison center.

Don't try it!!!! My little brother tried it and he got so nauseated . My mom had to call Poison Control. Just go to school.

That is the stupidest thing ever. Try it. Then hope you can get to the phone quick enough to call an ambulance and they can reach you in time. You really need to be in school-probably more than most people.

It wont make you sick.
The ammonia in it might burn your throat and make you cough for a minute but thats about it.

dont drink windex. wth is wrong with people.

Your balls will fall off.

Say you have a bad headache and even the lights hurt you. Can't test that

Read the warning on the back? I don't think it would be good, why not make yourself sick by doing something more pleasent like eating 2 cartons of ice cream or something? LOL

You shouldn't do that, you could get expelled, then you would be back, and not be able to get a job later in life. also, why would you want to get sick?you would be very very very sick.

I think you could be poisoned. Look at the label.

I would suggest just dumping a can of vegetable soup in the toilet, then make puking sounds. When your parents come to see you, they'll see the "puke" in the toilet and will let you stay home. You won't have to poison yourself just to stay home.

You will remove any doubt that you are an idiot.

The men in white coats will come and get you as you are mad. Seriously dont do it, it will probably just make you sick or it could burn holes in your stomach!

You'll get bad breath and probably kill more than a few brain cells from the ammonia in the Windex. Just go to school and maybe you'll learn not to do such stupid things.

You are silly! Don't you have enough acting skills to pull that one off? Just feign a headache and say your stomach hurts. For crying out loud! Don't drink Windex! Go to bed and sleep. They will think you are sick. Hey, everyone needs a down day - go to sleep and forget about the Windex!

WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? don't do that I mean school can't be that bad...can it? I am homeschooled so I can't fake sick. don't drink windex you'll get high (my aunt's a drug addic I know about this kind of stuff)
plz don't drink it

You probably will be able to see a lot clearer, but I don't think it will make you sick. I think it will just taste bad.

it depends how big of a "sip", but I still suggest that you call poison control for the company and tell them if you have any symptoms and ask if there is any precautions you can take. You should tell your parents or a responsible friend/adult, just incase something happens to you.

I always just say i really dont feel well, and if it comes down to it i cry!!! muhahaha i also had a snow day. windex wont work oh yeah and i mushed up bread and water and said i puked. works everytime.

It won't harm you. Honestly I don't know what it tastes like, it may make you puke but its not toxic in small amounts. It DOES contain isopropyl alcohol which will be harmful to you in large amounts. One drink most likely won't have any bad effects but I still strongly advise against doing it.

Just why would you think of doing something like that? It could
make you sick. If you take medication of any kind it could interact with it. You may want to play sick , but the actually being sick could be more than you bargained for.

Unless you want your stomach pumped, that is not a good idea.

if you follow thru luv youll wonder why lol

youll get addicted to it, then nextthing you know youll be drniking it by the bottle, and your mom is going to get pissed off because she is having to buy like 50 bottles of windex every week! I drank dish detergent to get out of school one time, and now.........I am a hopeless detergenaholoic, I jones without my bottle of soap!!! I go to soapaloics now!!!

It would clean your clock.

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