My daughter has conjunctivitus,?!

Question: along with swollen glands and a red rash has appeared on her face all at the same time, I took her to the doctors and his advice was: her glands are normal and will go down when she grows..what kind of advice is that? Her glands are huge and not normally like that. He also said that she has eczema but her skin isnt dry or flaky, its just red!!

Has anyone else had this? or knows what together they all are?

Answers: along with swollen glands and a red rash has appeared on her face all at the same time, I took her to the doctors and his advice was: her glands are normal and will go down when she grows..what kind of advice is that? Her glands are huge and not normally like that. He also said that she has eczema but her skin isnt dry or flaky, its just red!!

Has anyone else had this? or knows what together they all are?

well glands are not going to be large forever, when signs of infection are present they will enlarge, sometimes very large. within time they will go down.

that also sounds like mild eczema but since it is an accomopnied, or secondary diagnosis it does not have much impact as her chief complaint, which is the conjuctivitis.

her red eye should be fine if she is on any kind of antiinflammatory medications. and simple topical creams can be put on her skin to ease the redness.

sorry i hope everything turns out fine

i get exuma.. but her glands.. idk about that.. get a second opinion.. how else does she feel?!?! vomiting?!? fever.. that would play a big role in it! but.. i would just get a second opinon if it doesnt go away!

Pink eye is weird. when my kdis get it one of the last things that happens is they sound like something is stuck in their throat when they try to breathe. It could easily just be a very big reaction to the pink eye.

I don't rightly know if there is something more going on, but it sound as if you need to see someone else, just for your peace of mind.

you didn't say if the doc. gave you anitbiotic drops for you child, if not you can put dry tea bags on her eyes for about 15 minutes at a time and this will soak up the goo and get her better quickly.

take her to your local walk in center they are good

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