How do you get rid of a cold sore or a feverblister on the lips or around the li!

Question: abreva, zilactin or consult your with your doctor.

Answers: abreva, zilactin or consult your with your doctor.

Go to Walmart or local drug store and get some Abreva. That will help the healing process, have some Carmex or other chap stick to keep the lips moist, but don't lick them.

You can not get rid of one once it is has developed. However, if it just starting and you feel coming on you should apply ice for long periods of time. Applying ice to the area does not allow the virus to penetrate the cell membrane therefore you will not get a cold sore at all or it will be a lot smaller than it was originally going to be. I am a fanatic about applying ice and will sleep holding it (soaking my pillow) all to avoid a cold sore.
This is not just a random home remedy... it is in many medical books

I've always heard abreva is the best.

just be sure that whatever your mouth touches gets thrown out. if you drink out of a bottle now, and then again in a week or so when the cold sore is gone, you can get it again. they're very contagious and hard to get rid of. i dont have them, but i have a friend thats delt with them all her life and its been really tough for her. just be careful not to touch your mouth to anything

ive also heard that keeping it moisturized with a type of chapstick helps it feel better. personally i LOVE aveeno chapstick, but throw it out once your cold sore is gone or else you'll just be rubbing it back on.

also, they're usually brought on by stress. just FYI. in the future, if you're feeling over-worked, start using some abreva immediately to prevent getting one.

Abreva or Tea Tree Oil both work wonders.

Ug, I am so sick of people handing out their bad advice here....

Ice: Don't go to bed with a piece of ice pressed to your lip. You could freeze your skin and cause permanent damage. Would you rather have a cold sore for a while or loose piece of your lip to frostbite?

Putting your mouth on something that touched a cold sore: Once you have the virus in your body, it is there for the rest of your life. If you have ever had a cold sore, you have the herpes simplex virus. During a breakout, you can easily give the virus to someone who is not infected yet.

The herpes simplex virus lies dormant in the body until the conditions are favorable for a breakout. That is when a cold sore comes up. Taking the amino acid Lysine helps a lot with shortening an outbreak, or preventing one from getting bad if you catch it early. Topical creams with lysine are also very helpful.

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