Blood along with or after stool once a day?!

Question: This has been happening for last 5 days after I had taken some anti-biotic to cure tooth cavity infection. It's once a day affair. But I am unable to go for medical test or visit doctor for next 3 weeks. What precaution can I take during this 3 weeks..
This type of thing didnot happen in last 30 years. I am aged 60

Answers: This has been happening for last 5 days after I had taken some anti-biotic to cure tooth cavity infection. It's once a day affair. But I am unable to go for medical test or visit doctor for next 3 weeks. What precaution can I take during this 3 weeks..
This type of thing didnot happen in last 30 years. I am aged 60

You mentioned you are on antibiotics. This could be affecting the colon problems you are having. Get on yogurt right away. You need to eat as much as you can to get your colon health. You are probably developing a thing called C-diff. You need to get the "good" bacteria back in your body. GL

Sounds like an internal hemorrhoid. Increase your fluid and fiber and get a stool softener. If it doesn't go away or improve, see your doctor.

It could just be a hemorrhoid. Nothing really, if you notice a lot of blood get the the er immediately. Try not to strain, if it is a hemorrhoid you could make it come out and or bleed more.

Go to your local emergency room. Blood in your stool is not good. It could mean anything, it could be something could be something very serious. There is prolly nothing you can do about it until you know what is causing it.

Could be that the medication upset your bowels. Could be pruritis ani. I've struggled with that. Could be an anal fissure. I've struggled with those. Could be hemorrhoids. I've struggled with those. Could be Chrone's Disease. Thankfully, I haven't had that problem. Could be a fistula. Thankfully, I haven't had that problem either.

I hope you get better. Rectal problems are a pain in the ***.

i think 3 wks in to much so at least PLZ call your dentist

Someone mentioned that this book was good, "Cure Tooth Decay." I haven't read it just yet, but it seems interesting & it's gotten positive reviews.
And here's the author's book website:
Here's another website that list some nutrition:
Since you're unable to bite into the fruits & veggies, just use a blender or juicer (if you haven't already done so yet). Fresh carrot juice is very healthy.

the best opinion could come from a doctor but i think if it was hemorrhoids you were felling some pain. the age force to think in others diseases. I see you live in India, there we can catch a lot of very rare diseases; so I think you are a high risk candidate to catch diseases.

I put the health in first in place and let all unfinished to go to doctor.

I hope you find the answer to this question. I just don't have
enough knowledge to help you, Best of luck.

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