Question: when my mother was pronounced dead my family was in the er..we all saw her at the same time...all she had was a needle in one of her arms, and the piece that is inserted in the mouth for manual oxigen...

i requested her autopsy photos and one of the things that struck me was the fact that she had another tube in her mouth that resembles ventilator tubes and they held with white tape around her mouth.

we don't know what she died from since she was healthy...she just passed out at home from there to the hospital she had problems the hospital they told us they didn't know what she died of...therefore an autopsy was required...she didn't make it to the md's office until after an organ donor program return her..they got the ok from someone...i know based on the photos that her bones were removed..she also has stitches from her pelvis to her nable...they only gave us 5 photos and they were all cropped...there was no full body photo.

Answers: when my mother was pronounced dead my family was in the er..we all saw her at the same time...all she had was a needle in one of her arms, and the piece that is inserted in the mouth for manual oxigen...

i requested her autopsy photos and one of the things that struck me was the fact that she had another tube in her mouth that resembles ventilator tubes and they held with white tape around her mouth.

we don't know what she died from since she was healthy...she just passed out at home from there to the hospital she had problems the hospital they told us they didn't know what she died of...therefore an autopsy was required...she didn't make it to the md's office until after an organ donor program return her..they got the ok from someone...i know based on the photos that her bones were removed..she also has stitches from her pelvis to her nable...they only gave us 5 photos and they were all cropped...there was no full body photo.

You need to go to the Philadelphia organ recovery agency that handled your mother's case and ask their family services department to explain to you the process of organ donation.

Organ recovery programs are not in the business of killing people - they are in the business of saving people. No one would kill a patient that was alive in order to save others.

The waiting list is managed by UNOS, so neither the hospital nor the organ recovery agency knows who is the next person on the waiting list that will receive the organs. Besides that, they can't know if the organs are viable for transplant unless they test them, and it take a large group of people to perform organ recovery and testing.

I think it's affecting you that your mother went from being healthy to passing away so quickly - it's understandable; that's quite a shock, but don't lash out and accuse people of things when you have no idea. Reach out - the organ recovery agency would definitely not want you to have these doubts and fears about your mother's donation.

There is no evidence of an organ black market in the U.S. It does exist in other countries, but not here. The system makes it impossible. Report It

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  • Nate's Gal's Avatar by Nate's Gal
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  • You are probably reaching for answers where there are none. You make it sound basically like they killed her and harvested her organs.

    Tubes can be inserted or removed regardless if the body is alive or dead. This can be to keep the airway open throughout rigor, etc.

    If you have concerns, the best thing to do is ask questions. "Why did you put a tube in her mouth?" "What were you looking for when you cut her open here?" "did you find anything" etc.

    The imagination can run wild if you let it.

    .if a person is a donor they do not do anything to a person unless they are for sure there dead and no brain activity. sorry for your loss.. good luck

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