I've tried everything for my Allergies. I don't know what else to do?!

Question: i have been on tons of medications heres the ones i can remember
I had a rhinoplasty and my adenoids taken out about 2 years ago and my stuffy nose is still the same

What do you think i should do?

Answers: i have been on tons of medications heres the ones i can remember
I had a rhinoplasty and my adenoids taken out about 2 years ago and my stuffy nose is still the same

What do you think i should do?

First of all, if you haven't already gone there, go to an allergist. Have yourself tested to find out what the real problem is and let him prescribe medication. Than, test yourself. When do you need the medication? How much of it? How long does it last? What side effects are you experiencing. Also try herbalist suggestions, and, if you moved to a new area just recently, give yourself time to adjust to the new surrounding allergies (that process might take up to five years, though, since, if you are allergic to pollen, they are not around all year long, but peak at certain times of year).
If all of this does not help, try "desensibilisation". This is a process where your allergist will inject a mixture of deadened allergens under your skin (most likely into your upper arm) once every week, enlarging the dosis from week to week. This will happen in the winter, and only if you are completely healthy (no cold...). It is also something they will keep doing for some years. IT helped me and several of my freinds to conquer our allergies. Nowadays, I hardly need any medication. But: this is also a process that might yield other allergies, such as food allergies. Since I have been desensified, Ihave developed an allergy against raw almonds, raw hazelnuts and raw walnuts, my allergy against raw apples has intensified, but is under control if I eat half an apple with some dry dry bread or muesli with it. All in all, those allergies are much easier to deal with than the attacks from pollen I had to go through. But be very careful. Allergies bite back and will stay with you all your life.

i think you should try going to an allergist and ask what to do. give more info. whats happening?? Find out what you are allergic to by going to an Allergy/Asthma doctor. they give you the brackets of 40 different types of things ex. dog,cat tree,dust that type of stuff. so if you have a dog at home and your allergic they give an inhaler ect. so talk to your doctor and see an allergy specialist and an allergist (not the same thing)

1. Move to another part of the country.
2. Consult a naturopath.
3. Consult an acupuncturist.
4. Tried Flonase?

TX Mom

Nasal spray can cause your problem. You need to find out what the cause is first then the cure. Avoidance is the best medicine but you need to find out what the cause is in order to avoid it.

You can try Aerius, it says it has a decongestent in it. If you can get a prescription for Nasonex from your doctor, it helps quite a bit. It's a steriod, though so I am not sure how long it's good to take it, but I do know it relieves congestion if you use it consistently for a few days min. Good luck, I have had some sort of cold/allergic reaction for months. Seeing a allergist tomorrow.

What are you allergic to? You left that out. It is important to know when diagnosing your problem. If air born irritants are your problem-mold, pet dander, pollen, dust, smog or mildew-then take a teaspoon of LOCAL honey each day and you will be cured! Local honey works with the body to develop immunities to these irritants. Like all herbal remedies, it will take a while to become effective but you will also notice that you get fewer cold and flu symptoms as the local honey becomes effective. This really works-you need a month or so of taking it every day-be patient and you will get relief. Stay away from antihistamines and decongestants-they dry your body out causing sinus infections and possibly, over time, kidney degradation because of dehydration issues.

I have the same problem, and I am ALLERGIC to all of the above, including flonase. Your problem is an allergy, the above treatments COVER UP the problem. You need to see a good allergist, and ask for a skin test, then ask for drops to slowly make you amune (sp?) to what you are allergic to. It will make you a new person!!!

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