My hands are always sweaty, is there anything you can do about that?!

Question: Seriously, it's gross. I hate high-fiving people and holding hands because they're always sweaty, even when I'm cold. Is there any natural remedy or anything you can do about that?

Answers: Seriously, it's gross. I hate high-fiving people and holding hands because they're always sweaty, even when I'm cold. Is there any natural remedy or anything you can do about that?


As far as natural remedies, you can try soaking your hands in a Tannin Tea Solution. Tannin is a natural astringent. It has a drying effect and can be found in Sage Tea.

Here's what you do. Buy some Sage Tea from your supermarket.

1. Fill a bowl with 2 cups of water
2. drop in two or three bags of Sage Tea.
3. Let the Tea disperse through the water
4. Soak your hands in the bowl for 15 to 20 minutes.
5. Do this everyday for about 5 days and you'll start seeing MAJOR improvements.

You may have some tanning on your hands from the tea. Just wash it off with soap and water.


What you have is Hypertrophies, in which your hands sweat constantly, people get them in different places. I have had it under my arm, I would sweat for no reason it's gone now that I'm older. I had it when I was a teen.

Ok, you need to go to a dermatologist and get a prescription for Drysol, but be careful not to use it all the time, it has aluminum in it which has been linked to Parkinson's disease.

You will be fine, it's not as bad as it seems

not much will work. They are doing testing for it right now. with some kind of llaser to the head , and aftr a few treatments it reduces but never goes away

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