Infantile Molluscum treatments?!

Question: Infantile Molluscum treatments?
My 3 year old has Infantile Molluscum. Does anyone know of any successful treatment to get rid of it.

Answers: Infantile Molluscum treatments?
My 3 year old has Infantile Molluscum. Does anyone know of any successful treatment to get rid of it.

Molluscum contagiosum is a very common viral skin infection in children. Remember, it is a self-limiting condition and even without treatment most children will develop an immune response and rid themselves of the spots within a few months. However many parents ask for treatment as they feel the spots are unsightly, or their child is itching. The problem is that many of the topical treatments available are those we also use for wart treatment,so they can further irritate the skin, end up causing the child more discomfort, or even leave little scars. Parents also worry their child is infectious, but you would be surprised at how many parents know exactly what you are talking about as their own child has had the infection. Spread is by skin-to-skin contact so simple common-sense measures like not sharing baths or towels and using simple E45 cream to reduce itch and stop scratching are helpful.

I would advise against any so-called folk remedies. Seek advice from your GP or Health visitor on any further treatment as there are a number of prescription creams which can be helpful. All the best.

I've treated a couple of cases of this with Homeopathic remedies.
Make an appointment with a registered Homeopath and get this seen to.

Generally most doctors will advise against any attempt to treat molluscum contageosum. Left to run their course, which can be 1-2 years there is less likelihood of scaring. A recent review of all conventional therapies suggested that they were of little real benefit.

As usual conditions which do not respond to conventional therapies and are self-limiting anyway provide fertile ground for crack remedies, since they are always going to get better sooner or later, it is in these areas that they tend to claim unjustified successes.

stuartscott's answer was thus an excellent one!

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