Other than aloe vera, what are the best ways to treat sunburn?!

Question: I always use cold milk.

Answers: I always use cold milk.

soak washcloths in tea and lay them on the burned area. It will take away the burning. As the cloths get hot wring them out and, resoak them in the tea.

Vinegar will calm a sunburn faster than any product available. It is an old home remedy, but it works like a charm.

White vinegar or noxzema.

rub aloe vera on it constantly, good so far.
Something that always helped me was to freeze a wet washcloth and lay it on a burned area for a bit, especially if it's on your face. It'll give you a little relief.

A friend of mine put soggy tobacco on the areas and said that it healed it right up... but I can't promise that works.

not much you can do it is allready burnt. take some asperin for the pain and let it run it's course!!!

Use 1/2 cup of Cider Vinegar in a bathtub filled with
room temp. water. Jump in and grit your teeth for 3-4 min.
using a washcloth to dampen the skin all over the burned
area. In 3-4 min. the sting is gone and the vinegar has
taken out all the heat from the burn. Rinse off under the
shower in temp. water, pat dry and your ready to go.
No more sting, or heat radiating from your skin.
This is an old remedy I use whenever needed.
Never fails.

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