Is it normal to have acne for five years?!

Question: I've had acne ever since 5th grade and I've always been self conscious about it (since no one else my age had acne at the time) but now I'm 14 is it normal to have it for this long?

Answers: I've had acne ever since 5th grade and I've always been self conscious about it (since no one else my age had acne at the time) but now I'm 14 is it normal to have it for this long?

I've had mild acne for twenty years. In that time I have used every over the counter product, several prescription products applied to the skin, and oral antibiotics. Nothing improved it consistely, until I used ProActive Solution about 4 years ago. If you have acne, just washing your face will not manage the problem. The temptation is to use stronger (harsher) products, but that actually dries the skin and causes more oil!

The newer research on acne says that it has three stages. Often people use one product, see a slight improvement, and then a recurrance of the problem. That's because one product addresses one stage of acne. ProActive addresses all three stages.

It's a very gentle product line, and I would use it at this point even if I didn't have acne anymore. It's also very affordable. I actually spend less on this than I did trying different things from the drug store over the years. ProActive wash exfoliates gently, the toner has AHAs that keep the skin surface fresh by speeding the removal of dead cells, and the repair lotion has benzoil peroxide that fights infection. I get great results with this system. My skin is clear when I use it about 3-4 times per week. You need to use all three products together vs. one here/one there, to get the best results. I also use their clay mask on my nose and chin to help draw oil from my pores and keep them looking as small as possible.

I highly recommend ProActive. You can sign up for the "club" and have it delivered to your door on a regular basis, so you never run out. I work with a guy who also uses it and gets great results.

Some people have it all their life. You are still young and yes you should have acne. Try washing your face when you wake up with a mild cleanser and do the same before you go to bed. Acne is clogged pours so keep your face as clean as possible and if you use a face lotion maybe get one that's oil free.

yea deff dude ive had it since 4th grade im a sophomore in HS now and its just starting to recede. maybe it takes that long, maybe not. itll eventually go away though, u prolly wont have it after HS

I am 56 and still get it. I still use Clearasil at night.

Sounds like you are one of the unlucky ones. I still get zits, my girlfriend still gets them, my cousin still has acne bad, so yes you can have it well into adulthood. Pro-active works wonders.

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