Does anyone have a cure for a stuffy nose? Please!?!

Question: Its the day before Christmas, and I have a family party to attend. Do you have a remedy that works really well to cure my stuffy nose! Please please please help me!

Answers: Its the day before Christmas, and I have a family party to attend. Do you have a remedy that works really well to cure my stuffy nose! Please please please help me!

Breathing is less of a chore when air can flow freely through your nasal passages. That stuffy nose will surely make your Christmas Party a pain! According to research or other evidence, the following self-care steps may help relieve the pressure and congestion caused by sinusitis:

Keith Woolley

It won't cure you, but wasabi (sic?) will open you up nicely as will horseradish. My hubby recommends these to pregnant patients who can not use decongestants. Merry Christmas and good luck

Tylenol Cold and Flu medicine (non-drowsy) always dries me up when I have a runny or stuffy nose. Lasts about 4-6 hours for me.

Afrin. It will fix your nose..temporarily.

I always have a drop of whiskey in water and sugar before going to bed and a couple of pain killers. Sweat it out

vicks inhaler or CILLIT BANG lol

Use a nasail spray. You can get Afrin or just a simple sailine spray over the counter at any store that sells medicine.Just use it once or twice and your nose will open up. You can also buy vicks inhailers over the counter. THese have some sort of smell in them that opens you nose up. yOu just hold it undrer a nosterial and breathe it opens you right up. After theh holidays if you are sill conjested go to teh doctor and get either flonase. This is the best stuff I have ever had but it is perscription only. The over the counter stuff should get ya throught eh holidays just fine.

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