My boyfriend is really into hygien, but sometimes when I go down on him his peni!

Question: My boyfriend is really into hygien, but sometimes when I go down on him his penis smells really bad, but he ..?
always showers down there and washes!


Both females and males get sweaty down there, causing this smell, we also release a discharge through out the day which smells too, females get the whitish stuff in their knickers, males sometimes have slight drops of sperm, remember they shake after peeing and they have boxers and trousers on, extra warm which means no air and sweating. Just ask him to wash his penis before sex and make sure you wash yourself before sex too.

Wazir is onto something but I will expand on what he means.
The foreskin/glans combination produce smegma as part of the normal, healthy function of the penis.
Women produce five times the amount of smegma as males do but I can get to that in a few minutes.
Smegma is not the disease infested vitriol from hell we have been led to believe through misinformation. Smegma is healthy and good to have.
Smegma contains Langerin. Langerin is a powerful anti microbial compound that wards off odour causing bacteria, and keeps this area clean, and disease free.
When smegma accummulates, it manifests itself as while or yellow clums under the foreskin and around the coronal ridge of the glans.
These clumps consist of dead skin cells, seminal secretions, urine deposits and smegma. All 100% natural and 100% water soluble.
Retracting and washing this area with soap removes ALL the smegma, leaving soap deposits to irritate the sensitive inner foreskin and glans. Soap also removes Langerin and the natural moisturizers in smegma. The area is then left open to odour causing bacteria, and drying out.
Retracting and rinsing this area with clear, clean shower water removes the excess (water soluble) smegma and leaves a micro thin layer to ward of bacteria and keep the glans moist and sensitive.
When women wash, they cannot wash up inside them with soap (not normally) and therefore do not remove the healthy deposits. As a result,....the female odour is controlled and can be very provocative.
Tell your man to stop using soap under the foreskin and on the glans and see if this helps.

If he is not circumcised - he might not be retracting his foreskin to wash underneath there. Smegma builds up 24/7 & it needs to be washed out of there every time he bathes - or it can begin to smell like dead fish - and can even cause infection..

Well maybe he is over-washing.


Dont worry about it... Its normal for guys and girls too...

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