Colonoscopy Question?!

Question: Colonoscopy Question?
Hi im 18 and have been dealing with stomach problems for a long time now and ive about had it and am ready to go with a colonoscopy, but am VERY nervous.

#1 Can i ask them to completley put me out?
#2 If i have a intestinal yeast or stomach infection will they be able to tell?

Im pretty scared but have been having consitant rumbling noises and gas problems ever since i took some zit medication really seems to get upset when i have cheese i also have a furry white tongue


1 Yes you can, however it's going to drive up the cost of the procedure and just make sure your insurance will cover it. I wouldn't worry about it though. Being put under general anestisia makes this procedure 10 times more difficult than it has to be, not only on your doctors but on you. If you have general then you have to fast for 12 hours before the procedure. You risk having side effects to it and everything else. Then they have to higher an anestisiologist and pay for the meds and monitor you. Then they have to wait for you to wake up and you just took a procedure that takes 3 hours and made it last all frigging day. So I don't advise asking for general. Esspecially because they give you enough valum that you are asleep for the thing anyways, you just kind of are in and out of sleep during that time. If you do decide to request this make sure they know this BEFORE you book your ppointment to get it. You can't just walk in the day of the procedure and say "I want to be knocked out". It has to be planned.

#2 HAHA God I hope not! You have like 100 feet of intestines coiled up in your body, do you know how far that camera has to go for it to see your stomach?

I guess I just don't understand why they want to do a colonoscopy when there are other methods of diagnosis first. I'd have a really hard time consenting to do that, esspecially as a first option. I'd rather have them stick something down my throat to check my stomach.


Yes you can tell them to put you out, not ask them and they should because not using anesthesia is an antiquated method these days. What they usually do is put you under with an IV and you're only out for about 10-15 minutes. No they cannot see your stomach during a colonoscopy.

yes they will sedate you before they do want feel a thing..enjoy!

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