Do my muscles have to hurt the next day after a workout?!

Question: Do my muscles have to hurt the next day after a workout!?
lets say today i work out my biceps, then the next day my biceps start to hurt , does my muscles always have to hurt the next day after a workoutWww@Answer-Health@Com

Basically put, yes!.!.!.
If they don't hurt, means you didn't do a good workout!.!.!.
Your ripping tiny little fibers or whatever, (Forgot the name, been a while since I was in weight class!.!.!.) and that's the hurt, if you went in, did 270lbs on the bench, and walked away with no pain, you didn't do your potential!.!.!.
A good thing to have afterwards is Protein (at least 20 grams)!.!.!.
Protein is vital for rebuilding your muscles/repairing the tears!.!.!.
Meat, Eggs, and Milk are all great sources, even protein bars, but watch the Sat Fat, if the sat fat is over 3grams, it's not good for you!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Personal Experience!.!.!.
(Weight Lifting, Nutrition Classes, Etc!.!.!.)Www@Answer-Health@Com

your muscles are made up of millions of tiny little string like things and when you work them out you are taring them to build up a form of scar tissue and so the next day is repairing day and the more you keep it but the better it will get and you are also building up acid when you lift weighs so the best thing to do is to go and just jog a little bit not a whole lot just maybe slow jog a mile and then when you get home get a glass of chocolate milk that is the best for you cause chocolate milk has so many good things and it helps repair your muscles and helps with the acid to so good look and keep working outWww@Answer-Health@Com


No!. Anytime that you put a muscle through hardwork that it hasn't done before, you'll be sore the next morning!. After your muscles have gotten more well conditioned, it won't hurt the day after!. Remember, pain doesn't mean that you had a good workout!. Likewise, not being in pain doesn't mean that you didn't work hard enough!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, especially if you don't do it everyday!. BEcause the muscles have been forced after a long time of slacking!. Just like a rope that you left 5 years ago without anything done and try to pull it up and it rips in half!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hope that helped :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

You have heard the saying "no pain no gain"!?

Yes its normal and usually the only way to get through it is to work out through the pain!.!.!.

Could be why im so out of shape because I stopped and never started back up!.!.!.I should!.

Hope this helped!.


yeah its just a build up of lactic acid on yur muscles which causes them to be sore!.
thats why yu have to stretch so yu wont be sore!. but if yu dont then they are always gonna hurt especially if yu had a hard workout!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If they hurt, that means you're over working!.

If they are sore, then you are recovering from a workout, it's normal!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If they dont then your not working hard enoughWww@Answer-Health@Com

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