Is it possible for someone to urinate if their penis is amputated? ?!

Question: Is it possible for someone to urinate if their penis is amputated!? !?
This is a hypothetical question!. I heard that there are some men in some parts of the world where their penis was cut off completely as a punishment or something!. I want to know how that person could urinate!? How could they do that!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes!. Partial and total amputation of penis is done in advanced cases of Carcinoma penis!. (cancer of the penis!.)!. in case of partial amputation, the man can pee from the remaining stump!.
In case of a total amputation, the urethra( thats the urine tube) is connected to the perineum!. ( thats the area behind the scrotum and in front of the anus)!. The person then pees by squatting, like females!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Of course!.

If for some reason the penis is amputated, the urethra would still be running up to the point where the penis is cut!. So, even if the penis would be cut by the pubic bone, there'd a whole there that would lead urine out!. The urine might spill out but that's another question!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Of course the person needs to urinate to relieve the bladder!. There is probably still a hole intact were the urine will flow from!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's something like what happens when they have to remove part of your intestine - they run a tube from the inside to the outside!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well it would be into a bag!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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