Erm, I got bored. HELP!

Question: Erm, I got bored!. HELP
Long story short, i got bored and had some fun with a cucumber and some melted butter but now I'm bleeding!. What do I do to stop the bleeding!? It gets worse every time I go for a poo :(Www@Answer-Health@Com

ride it out,drop ,being a fagWww@Answer-Health@Com

why did you!?!.!.!.!.nevermind!. i dont know if im supposed to laugh at this or something!.!.!.kidding man :)) to say it simple you over stretched it, you forced something in there that couldn't normally fit!. it's going to heal in time, there's really nothing much you can do about it!. you may be thinking if you can apply some cream but doing so would be pointless, its going to be hard to put the cream in your anus!.!.!.and its going to rub off anyway!. its going to heal, just keep it clean at all times, wash your but hole with warm soap and water!. i know it may be embarrassing but if it gets worse and the bleeding doesn't stop, i think you should consider a doctor!.

hope i helped Www@Answer-Health@Com

Claire!.!.!.get out of men's health if you're going to act like a child!.

Original poster - let me get this straight, you used Warm butter as a lubricant, and a cucumber to analy penetrate yourself!?

Now your bleeding!.!.!.!.!.Well, you've damaged your inner anal wall, a simple tear!. Don't worry tho!. Just give it a few days to heal and you'll be fine!.

If however, in three days!. it doesnt get better, you might want to go talk to your doctor, you might of ripped a vessel or something (I'm not big on male anal penetration so give me credit) but you should try and stop pooping!.!. change your diet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

also, get yourself some stool softner >you can find it at any drug store!. Just tell the clerk it's for grandma if you're asked about it!. Ducolax is one brand advertised on TV!. The crap will just slide out!. lessening any more pressure on the wall!.


lol did ya learn anthing girly man!.!. well id say was the butt toss the cucumber just go see a doctor put on a diaper[ should of cut off the beres] you feel you had a good oneWww@Answer-Health@Com

Get lots of vitamin C!. If the bleeding still persists after 2 days go see your doc immediately! The anus is full of bacteria that could and would enter u'r blood stream!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ewww get a band-aid or something! too much informationWww@Answer-Health@Com

I truely hope you are joking!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

uhhhh!.!.!.!. clean it well, if it still bleeds, go to the doctorWww@Answer-Health@Com

See, a doctor!.
and Next Time, Think Before You!.!.!.!.Well, Y'Know !Www@Answer-Health@Com

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