How can I gain muscle mass? 10 points for the best answer.?!

Question: How can I gain muscle mass!? 10 points for the best answer!.!?
Ok, I understand I have to lift!. But I am starting to see that I am getting stronger, but not really bigger!.

How much and what should I eat a day!?
And what supplements are safe for a 15 year old boy!?
How much protein bars should I take in a day!? etc

If you can, give me a list of foods and excersises

I prefer excersises that don't involve tons of equipment, but list those anyway!.

10 points for the best answer!.

Im 6 feet 2 inches

I weigh 165 poundsWww@Answer-Health@Com

Eat 6 meals a day rich in protein, and DO PUSHUPS!. there are so many things u can do with these excersises and you can build a body!. Your young so dont worry about the supplements!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

first of all you're waaayyyy to light!. im 6'1", 200lbs and im all muscle only 17 years old, benching 290!. you need to gain weight if you wanna be muscular you should be around 215 for that height, but then again your only 15 so maybe 200lbs!. if you wanna get big you gotta lift big, lift heavy weights of 4-8 reps in sets of about 6!. take in a lot of protein since your so big you should take in at least 200g of protein a day!. dont take creatine, all it does is fill your muscles with water!. drink whey protein shakes, 3 times a day before and after working out and then before you go to bed!. if you follow my guidelines you should see good results in less than a month!. hope i helpedWww@Answer-Health@Com

First off at you hieght and wieght you need to pack on some wieght befor you can bulk up and see results ! would recoment some of the high wieght gainer till you put on a little more wieght and take creatine with it ! creatine allows you to work out a ton and dont get sore so you work out more than usual and no sore side effects and you will start to bulk up ! Thats the legal way anyways !Www@Answer-Health@Com

My name is Henry!. I love to keep my body in shape so I am pretty regular at the gym but I wanted more from my body!. I decided to give MuscoMax a try since one of my gym mates uses it!. Ever since I started using it, I've been able to keep my workouts at such a high intensity!. I can keep going at the gym & also increase my muscle size!. Thanks!

go to www!.gnc!.com u will get a lot bigerWww@Answer-Health@Com

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