Can i use vaseline on my penis to eleviate dryness?!

Question: Can i use vaseline on my penis to eleviate dryness!?
i masturbate around 5-7 times a day when not around my girlfriend, i hope thats not too excessive, but because of this and not using any lubricant to lube myself and i have a slightly tight foreskin and i sometimes get dried cracked skin on my foreskin!. i was curious if it is safe for me to use vaseline to put on the foreskin and around the head to keep it moist!?

Its been a week or two since having sex with my girlfriend because she has been away and i dont want her to come back and me not be able to pleasure her!.

Thanks for the responcesWww@Answer-Health@Com

vaseline is not a good idea, it's a petroleum product and can cause nasty consequences!. Get yourself some KY jelly, or astroglide, water based lubricants!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

dude vaseline is safe and it will keep your penis soft and prevent it from chaffing (you can also masturbate it it)

however, i prefer masturbating with Eros, it's a silicone based lubricant -- very nice feeling -- i recommend it, better than KY and some of the other water based lubes

it will also keep your penis nice and moist

i masturbate a lot too -- like at least 2x a day, sometimes fourWww@Answer-Health@Com

Vaseline is too greasy!. If you really are JO it that often wow- don't you sleep!? If you're just putting something on to keep it from being dry Jergen lotion is fine!. (I said Jergens- not Jerkin's)

Ease up buddy boy no wonder its dry an sore!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Vaseline is good to use to hold in moisture and helps with dry skin, try taking a cool bath, wash you penis, dry briefly and use the vaseline, it will hold in the moisture from your bath!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Believe it or not!.!.!. use olive oil or coconut oil!. Has a very similar composition to natural oils and holds healing properties!. Seriously!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Never use vasceline as a lubricant!. Since it is petroleum based, it will dry your skin and make it irritated or even crack!. Use KY jelly or baby oil instead!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

holy **** if you keep that up yopur penis will fall off!.
haha but seriously i know a kid who had to get sergery in his sac because he did that too much and some tubes in there got twisted and stuffWww@Answer-Health@Com

omg 5 to 7 thats too much try 1 a day becuase soon u can start limiting u sperm sooo watch out and no its not good use oils!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

use baby oil!. it doesn't take much, and it washes off way easier than vaseline!. but, vaseline is ok to use, too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would have to recommend Cetaphil or better yet get a fleshlight!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

5-7 tims A DAY is a little to much!. gota give your speam a break to =/Www@Answer-Health@Com

a specific lube is best
but almond oil works really well
but be careful if you have a nut allergyWww@Answer-Health@Com

Wow!.!.!.!.!. I think you have a problem!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Use Nivea Creme when you masturbate, and kill two birds with one stone!Www@Answer-Health@Com

u play with ur self to much!.but u can use vaseline,i got foreskin and it works with me no problemWww@Answer-Health@Com

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