Difficulty achieving an erection early in the morning??!

Question: Difficulty achieving an erection early in the morning!?!?
I am a 22 year old male in good health with no known medical conditions!. Non smoker!.

Recently I had a difficulty reaching an erection about fifteen minutes after I woke up!. My girlfriend and I were in a hurry so we just called it a lost cause and went on with our day!.

This was extremely upsetting and frustrating to me!. She insisted that it wasn't a big deal since I have no problems with it at other times of the day!. But since this was the second morning in a row I felt really incompetent!.

Is this normal!?

Any feedback would be helpful!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's probably because you all were rushing and you knew the quicker you were hard, the quicker it could get going!. It was probably too much pressure on you!. If you really want to solve the problem, just take a couple deep breaths when ready to make love to your girlfriend and try to feel less pressured!. Hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well you did say you were in a hurry so that would put added pressure on you to perform !.
If at all other times you have no problems then I suggest you do not try to have a quickie when time is short , just leave it till you can enjoy a longer period and build up towards arousalWww@Answer-Health@Com

I would have to agree with Scobill on that one!. Sex should be spontaneous, not planned!. There's too much pressure involved to perform when you're trying to force it!.

Allow yourselves some time together and do lots of foreplay for many minutes!. You'll be surprised how well you'll bounce back!. Keep in mind that we're men, not machines!. We've all been there before at one time or another bro!. Good luck!.


If this was the only time it happened, and only once in the morning, your normal!. Your sympathetic tone might not have been there or you could have been a little off!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, it's normal!. Wait til you get older, it slows down!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

A bit overstressed maybe!?
That can be a major cause that this happens

my boyfriend's manhood sticks me like a fire-poker first thing in the morningWww@Answer-Health@Com

sounds like the beging stages of EDWww@Answer-Health@Com

maybe its gonna fall offWww@Answer-Health@Com

you don't get morning wood!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Back in the day, when men and women only had sex with one to a few other partners in their lives, then not many would be confronted with, or bothered by, a missed erection here and there!.

Today when we are expected to use sex as a performance and we may hope or expect to have countless partners then the number of missed erections will increase proportionately with the number of partners we have!.

This is just to say that if you have sex often enough you will miss a few erections!. All men have this happen to them and you need to learn that it's no big thing!. Sex is like any other physical activity!.!.!.some days we can do more push ups than others and some days we are sexually stronger than others!.

Don't let your imagination lead you into fear!. Learn to use your neo cortex to rationalise what has happened and you will remain in control!.

Learn this or suffer for there will be other missed erections in your life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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