Is it wrong for a catholic teenager to masturbate?!



No, I don't see why not.


Read your bible for your answer. Perhaps you should get to know catholicism a lot better, if thats what you really believe in.

In my opinion, its healthy.

no! everyone does, no matter what race or religion.....i mean we are only human.

yo dude,

i'm catholic teen.......... way i'm stoppin!!!!!!!

if they say sex can wait.........

then no way they can hav it both ways & say no jackin, eh?

noooooo way can they say that,

it is right for any religion to do it, natural thing to do.


No not at all! Although the catholic church teaches us not to have sex until marraige masturbation is OK in most cases. There are some extremest of the church that say the reading of onan is the masturbation reading and god telling us never to masturbate but that is just one idea. DON'T WORRY!!!!! At our school the cecretary over at the rectary found our priest masturbating in his bedroom. Apparently he ejacululated every where to. I found out through our teachers.

no its normal

According to Church laws, it is wrong. However, medical science says that it is normal and healthy if done in moderation.

I was raised Catholic by strict Catholic parents and my mom told me that the only time that masturbation was wrong was when it was keeping you from having a real relationship ie:interferring with a real relationship you were already in. In the context of that answer I would answer your question by saying that there is nothing wrong with a Catholic teenager masturbating especially since it may keep you from breaking other church rules about premarital sex.

As one Nun said to the other `Thats a dirty Habit`

STOP it stupid!. Dont you know it makes you blind.?

no its never wrong to do that were do you masturbate?

No, but it is wrong to masturbate a catholic teenager!

Not in the slightest. WHO DOESN'T??

Would you rather be a catholic teenage masturbator or a catholic teenage parent? No-one got anyone pregnant through masturbating.

No your also human!

No, if you feel the urge to masturbate, then go on. Your physical and emotional health is independent from your religious belief.

himself = No
the local priest = Yes (although the priest will try to tell you it is okay)

If God didn't want u to do it, why does it feel good

its not wrong for any teenager to masturbate

some relegions frown on the practice, catholic church being one, but yet many of their priests have had sex with boys

go figure
a great site for christian views on boys and sex is

excellent info about it being normal for boys to masturbate

No I don't think so

no is not wrong for any man
you are avoid bluesballs masturbating

No, why would you think so?

No its not wrong its just a thing that people say so that you don't fully enjoy your body

masturbating is just like having sex except its with your hand,
masturbation is a trick of the mind it just tricks your body into thinking that your having sex and theres nothing wrong with having sex

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