Guys do u think hazel eyes and brunette haired girls are rlly attractive?!

Question: Just wanted to know! Coz I just want to test if men are attracted to girls for their looks or for there personality...
thanks x

Answers: Just wanted to know! Coz I just want to test if men are attracted to girls for their looks or for there personality...
thanks x

It's the whole package that matters, and what's on the inside is more important that what's on the outside. I personally prefer brunettes to blondes, but have no particular eye color preference. But there are blondes I have met that I could easily spend my life with, and brunettes I wouldn't go near, all because of their personalities.

There's an old saying that may partially explain this, but don't take it in the wrong way:

"If you must marry,
marry a good cook,
'cause cookin' lasts
and kissin' don't."

To me, the "good cook" means a person of substance, a person you like to be with, to share time with, to build a life with, whereas "kissin'" means the infatuation with appearances, or placing looks ahead of what really matters in life.

i think women with darker hair and hazel eyes are stunning...

beauty is all aspects of a woman... personality, soul, heart and outer beauty

Yes, it is to me anyway. I go for looks and personality.

Very much!

Yes. I do...My girlfriend has hazel eyes and brown hair...and she is gorgeous. But physical attraction is only part of it. I love my girlfriend because she has a great sense of humor and loves me for who I am...She is smart, kind, and is herself. She is an average girl to many but not to me....
So yes, I would say a girl with hazel eyes and brown hair is attractive but personality and inner beauty is much more important to me...and most any other guy.

well in men's health i can only say they mightbe attractive on a guy. as for what guys think of it on a gal i would think polls and surveys or singles and dating would be better places to ask.

Well, I won't say it's ugly. But when I look at a girl, I really don't pay much attention to physical appearance. Personality matters much more to me. While I do think that hazel is a beautiful eye color, I cannot and will not go out with someone solely because of her physical appearance.

I wouldn't base my judgment on eye color and hair color alone...

I love brunettes and hazel eyes are ok..but the thing is personality and what is inside of the women is what u need to know...a big heart, and personality goes a long win my heart..

i perfer personality, but hazel eyes and brown hair does sound nice

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