After sex my penis..?!

Question: smells like my girlfriends vagina. After I take a shower and wash off down there, it still smells like it! It smells like it for about a week no matter how much I wash it! Then it wont smell like that again untill we have sex again. Why does this happen?

Answers: smells like my girlfriends vagina. After I take a shower and wash off down there, it still smells like it! It smells like it for about a week no matter how much I wash it! Then it wont smell like that again untill we have sex again. Why does this happen?

haha good one jen,

reminds me of this joke:

A brunette goes to the doctor and as she touches each part of
her body with her finger she says,

"Doctor it hurts everywhere. My leg hurts, my arm hurts, my neck
hurts, and even my head hurts!"

The docters asks, "Did you dye your hair?"
Yes,I did," she replies with a frown.

The doctor asks, "Were you a Blonde?"
"Yes I was. Why do you ask?"

The doctor answers, "because your finger is broken!"

umm..your girlfriend needs to shower.

If this is a serious question the answer has got to be that you consult a GP-----sooner rather than later

um i've never had sex but i'd imagine you probaly had it in her to long which the fluids then absorbed in your penis. Like water if you stay in it too long well your fingers and toes look like raisens.

hehe - try blowing your nose in the shower. it seems that a smell will sort of linger in there long after it is otherwise gone. I notice this with cleaning products - I can rinse it all away from the surface, clean ot the cloth I used and even air the place out yet still smell the chemicals for the rest of the day.

Then again, maybe you aren't cleaning very well in the lower region right after sex and daily as well.

Or possibly she has such a strong odor it takes forever to get rid of it no matter what you try. But there are feminine hygiene products to help with that; only problem is how to suggest them without getting told off.

May be your nose got into your girl friends p***y... so you feel the smell of her for a week, and probably u do not clean your nostrils as you should.

how do you smell yourself down there? how do you know what she smells like?

It is a strange question. I think it is a magic.

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