Is it bad if you don't remember dreams?!


Is it bad if you don't remember dreams?

Is there something I can do to help myself remember? i usually have a fan on in my room, should I keep it off?


According to Craig Hamilton-Parker, author of Fantasy Dreaming, many humans find certain dreams extremely difficult to recall. Researchers refer to these types of dreams as "no content dream reports." It is thought that such dreams are characterized by relatively little affect. Factors such as salience, arousal and interference play a role in dream recall and dream recall failure. According to Henry Reed, author of Dream Medicine, a useful technique to improve dream recall is to keep a dream journal. it is also suggested that one must lie perfectly still upon awaking from a dream, not letting concerns of the day occupy the mind. It is quite common to not remember much of what has just been dreamed, but with sufficient concentration, the entire dream may be recalled.

So, it is definately completely normal not to remember most of your dreams. And, most of them don't really mean anything anyway.

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