Nighttime Anxiety, emergency!?!


Nighttime Anxiety, emergency!?

It's 1:39 in the morning right now, this has happened pretty much every night since summer started, and I need to do something about this before school starts. I used to stay up freakishly late for the first few weeks intentionally, then I found I couldn't stop, because I'm to freaked out to go to bed. I get depressed and nervous for no reason, I resort to the computer and stay on it till the sun comes up, because the idea of going to bed before 5 makes my heart race and I start to panic. Why can't I go to bed? Some nights I pace back and forth violently, others I just feel like breaking down and crying. I don't know why, I'm only 16, what do I have to worry about? Normally the thing racing through my head is how I've accomplished nothing, how I haven't really done anything fun. Do I need to see a doctor? Or do I just need to make a simple change in my lifestyle? Someone please help.


Do you play a lot of computer games or watch a lot of tv or stay on the phone a lot or always have your ipod on????


Welcome to the world of high anxiety. It's the times we live in. The things listed above really don't help because they increase adrenaline in your body. It's stressful just keeping up with technology. Exercise is the best outlet. You get enough of that and you wont have trouble sleeping.

"Adrenaline and Stress

It's important to realize that engaging in activities that cause a release of adrenaline, such as playing computer games, is the wrong way to deal with stress.

In the short term, adrenaline makes you feel more alert. But in the long term, you become tired and unable to deal with stress. The next time you feel like playing computer games or surfing the Internet, try to do something relaxing instead such as:

· Taking a hot bath or a shower
· Taking a nap
· Getting some fresh air
· Exercise (Moderate)
· Drinking a glass of water or a rehydration drink
· Stretching

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