So guys help me i need to know if im dying?!


So guys help me i need to know if im dying?

Main question on my mind is am i dying and I'm going to stop breathing and die Been to 10 doctors 3 times my family one where i had a paps test and a physical and a neurological and blood work all normal then 3times to emergency where i had a neurological and two blood work test done one in the arm and one in the wrist to check my oxygen and chest x rays front and back and me laying down and me at the side and they did to heart test ti check everything and 4 walk-in clinic- doctors they check my ear and listen to my breathing so the big question is why do i still have shortness of breath and back problems like pain just below my neck which i told them at emergency they are all telling me Im suffering from anxiety and panic attacks all in my head because I'm healthy by the way I'm 20 years old and have bad allergies and as ma And i smoke so and i'm dying and going to stop breathing like i cant even eat because of it i quit my job go to bed at 6am and wake up at 6pm don't eat or do nothi

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1 week ago
Like anyone can help me


You are 20 years old and you haven't died so give it a rest will ya? Do you take meds? Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, Seroquel, hypnotics, or anything else to calm you down?
If you don't, you might better ask a doctor for an RX.

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