What is a bullying how does that work, who gets bullied, have you ever been bull!


What is a bullying how does that work, who gets bullied, have you ever been bullied?

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1 week ago
Isn't it true that most bullies are very popular because a lot of people look up to them because they are so willing to intimidate others either into silence or giving the other person what they want or because the other person wants the attention and most of the time they are seen as stronger and better then those that they are doing it too? And isn't it also true that these people often do these things in such a way that it makes them look like they are not doing a thing that is really wrong and that is why years later they can do anything that they want to to anyone that they want to and finally they do something really wrong? Isn't it true that those that counsel them would fit into this category in many cases? They use bullying and intimidation tactics on those that they want to discredit or have seen as weaker then them?

1 week ago
Hasn't it been true that those forced inot or under this so called treatment at the time were the ones that did the most horrible things?

1 week ago
I meant to say Hasn't it been true that those forced "into" or who were directly under this so called treatment at the time were the ones that did the most horrible things? Rather then being seen as what they were a bully they were seen as being mentally ill and the wrong things were done to them and they were not under any self control at that point in time? So why keep pushing this non scientific treatment on them?

1 week ago
It is a form of submission / compliance technique, but those that are bullied do not usually bully back, become bullies, or do anything that anyone else doesn't do all they do usually is get their feelings hurt and that is bad enough isn't it?

1 week ago
"It was horrible, and I still don't trust "friends" today."

I am sorry that they did that I am sure that you remember it, that was your memories, but that does not make you who you are today hopefully you have changed some and thank you for answering this and very bravely I might add. People can do all kinds of wrong things out of the need to have "control" over another or keep the wrong things going without even paying any attention to their own behaviors and how the so called "good" that they are doing is affecting another person. I am sorry that they did this to you.

1 week ago
"ended up as a school phobic"

that is a new one, is it in the DSM too?

I think it is important to bring things up sometimes? that is just my viewpoint, the truth is the truth and the truth is that there is no scientific valid and reliable evidence to call people names or stereotype them for stuff like this, I am sorry that you all have been bullied, I don't see any of you as cruel hearted maybe a little misguided is all? you do have the right to your own oppinion except when it comes to facts and scientific facts are facts that should not be ignored, that gives room for more and more biases that's all and helps stop nothing really so next time one ask why it isn't fair then we might also ask why it is really seen in that way to begin with?


I was bullied everyday from first grade right up to high school. It really sucked and affected me for quite a long time. Bullies aren't always popular. Bullying is a way for them to look popular.

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