I keep waking up at 6 am on weekends?!

Question: I keep waking up at 6 am on weekends?
Lately I've been waking up really early on weekends. I don't know why. Everyday I wake up at 6 am to go to school. & Also last week I had to go to an early sports practice on saturday, so I woke up really early, I guess I was anxious. Is it because I'm anxious about waking up early?(because I hate that) Or is it because my routine is waking up at 6 am every school day, so now my mind is causing me to do that on weekends?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Yes.. I guess your biological clock is set at 6am.. Btw isnt it good that you wake up early.. Most of us try to wake up early and cant.. :D

I do, too. Actually today I woke up at quarter-till five, but once daylight savings time ends I'll go back to 6AM. I can't wait.
Don't worry about it. If it stays, you'll come to appreciate the early morning hours when most people are still asleep and the sun is rising and the birds are chirping... Also, it's SUPER NICE to never need an alarm clock. It only sucks if you're a social animal and are too tired to party at night.

I've experienced the same thing. But I was only 11-12 years old then. But I've stopped doin that because of more work and staying up late. Could be your mind is doing that as a routine but, for me, when i go to sleep and i say "im going to wake up in ten minutes" i actually do.

my experience

Its because you have a good sleep schedule. DO NOT BREAK THIS! In your brain you have a physiological clock. It is a very good thing that you wake up when your brain wants you to wake up. This is not a bad thing it is a good thing. Just wake up and get your day start enjoy life!

Your body is trying to maintain a regular schedule. You will be healthier and happier if you allow it to do so.

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