What caused my mental issues?!

Question: What caused my mental issues?
hey everyone. I'm a 19 year old girl, that suffers from depression, anxiety, a.d.d and excessive anger. when i was a child (and still now), my dad was very agressive and mean. just the slightest thing would trigger him off, and he takes it out on me, he left bruises on me everytime, and he still verbally abuses me, especially when he's been drinking (which is every night). He does nothing to my sister (who is 2 years older than me), he's always been nice to her, im very jelous. When he gets home from work, he says hi to my sister, but he just ignores me. Can what he did, and what he's doing to me, be the reason for all of my problems?


I think what he has done to you can be very damaging, i feel very sad for you because you did not deserve this, i don't think you should feel jealous from your sister because its not her fault, maybe you should have a good talk about this and it will make you feel better.

About your father, i think you should first pray and then write a letter to him about how you feel, don't expect a sorry and tell him that, then move on with your life, if nobody has been kind to you, then be kind to urself, dont let ppl bring you down, you will find something to inspire you to have a happy life soon enough.

I wash you all the best!


If you are working, then it time to move out get an apartment and be independent. Life still must go on. Since you did want to communicate with him but he does not reciprocate then there is no point living under one roof. Improve yourself by attending night school while working in the day. Show him that you can stand on your own two feet thru your own effort.

i'm sure what he's done has something to do with your issues, and has contributed, but that doesn't mean EVERYTHING is his fault. the ADD is just part of who you are.

I defenitly think that is the problem you need to speak to a counselor or someone that can help you don't deserve to be treated this way no one does there is help out there as hard as it seems you need to speak up I wish you well

get away from the mean man, he only does this to you because you can take it-(the way i see it) move out dont take his shi*, youve taken it long enough ;)


Very much so it can effect how you feel mentally and physically! When you were young you got this perception of your parent/s only YOU can create but observing their behaviors. What most people don't know is that kids form a self confidence at a young age and what happens at that time and at that age provokes their self perception whether good or bad. Parents influence their children more than they know. And when a child is "mentally" abandoned at a young age or even into their adolescent years can take a GREAT tole on their mental health. If a child doesn't feel loved or doesn't get the attention every child needs then yes they are effected mentally!
I am greatly sorry for your situation I have dealt with and seen many like this but every individual is different and every individual (no matter how broken or torn) comes out stronger and smarter than when they went in! Stay strong!

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