How to stop self-harm?!

Question: How to stop self-harm?
Ive been self harming for about half a yr now and i really want to stop but i don't know how its just really additive cutting thats the only reason but it only becomes additive if i'm angry cn anyone help


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Honestly..... With a truck load of will power really. I mean there are techniques but I'm going to be honest with you most of them are unsatisfying and you go back to self harming again. You need to know that you are strong enough to do this I'm sure you have tons of people that believe in you use that to inspire you. Get rid of any drama in your life if this is possible. Keep yourself relaxed and put yourself first at this point in your life because right now you need to worry about yourself more than anything the one thing I do recommend is exercise it released endorphins in the brain so you feel and by the end of it all look better = ) As a recovering self harmer of ten years I believe that you can beat this if you try REALLY hard.

I'm not going to lie to you it is hard and anytime you feel really stressed, angry or upset you are going to want to go back but you need to tell yourself that -

1. It will make you feel guilty afterwards
2. Your stronger than this
3. In the end all it's really going to do is leave you with scars and the problem still wont be resolved

If you do relapse and cut again DON'T GIVE UP it does happen while trying to quit but this is the same for smokers, alcoholics and any addiction you just need to pick yourself up again tell yourself your only human and we all slip up one time or another.

I hope quitting self harm works out for you it's well worth it I have been quit for a month or so now and it feels good after even a short amount of time to have this monster lifted from my shoulders = )

quit SI a month now

i was a self injurer for two and a half years, but i havnt in just over three months now :)
i know its hard at first, but it does get easier.
you need to find a reason to stop, if you aren't motivated, then you wont be able too.
i started thinking about how much it hurt my boyfriend and friends each time i did it, and how- even though it made me feel better for a few hours- i felt terrible after.

none of those things to do with red pen, or ice cubes really seemed to work for me. you just need to find something to motivate you, and hold on to it x


Your depressed. Having been a cutter myself I know and understand the feelings that motivate you to cut. I found that fear is basically causes the anger for us to cut. Fear of what? Loss of a love, money, a good friend? you name it , but basically it comes down to something you don't want to lose. When that happens you get angry and cutting is the emotional release. What you need to understand is that you have already realized that there is a prob, and now you can move forward. Thing that helped me the most was working on making someone laugh everyday. Didn't matter if it was a stupid joke or what, but when they laughed I laughed . Try a little sunshine of laughter before ya go much farther. Please


smoke pot its ur best bud

answer mine plz

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